

the fasthttp fullstack golang framwork using svelte


the fasthttp fullstack golang framwork using svelte (support tailwindcss). just more 10 time faster than sveltekit

why gosvelt ?

fullstack integration of svelte

yeah, gosvelt will compile, group, and serve svelte pages.
A Svelte or AdvancedSvelte handler will give you a svelte map wich contain "js" and "css" URLs and you can add to this map your own attributes that will be rendered on the html template (note: if you add for example a "test" element to the map, you have to add the &{test} element in the html template)

func main() {
    r := gosvelt.New()

    r.Svelte("/", "./static/App.svelte", func(c *gosvelt.Context, svelte gosvelt.Map) error {
        return c.Html(200, "./static/index.html", svelte) // html template

    r.AdvancedSvelte("/adv", "./static/", "App.svelte", 
    func(c *gosvelt.Context, svelte gosvelt.Map) error {
        return c.Html(200, "./static/index.html", svelte) // html template
        Typescript:  false,
        Tailwindcss: true,
        Pnpm:        true,


cool way to made sse

there are actyally two way to use sse in gosvelt: the context way wich is in a context and can use channels declared in the handler. And the handler way wich is an handler function and use channels who are declared outside the handler.

func main() {
    r := gosvelt.New()

    r.Get("/sse", func(c *gs.Context) error { // context way
        datach := make(chan interface{})
        closech := make(chan struct{})

        return c.Sse(datach, closech, func() {
            datach <- "hello"

            for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
                time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
                datach <- fmt.Sprintf("%d -> actual time is %v", i, time.Now())


    datach := make(chan interface{})
    closech := make(chan struct{})

    r.Sse("/sse2", datach, closech, func() { // handler way
        datach <- "hello"

        for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
            datach <- fmt.Sprintf("%d -> actual time is %v", i, time.Now())



pretty simple syntax

the syntax is like popular framworks like fiber, gin, echo

func main() {
    r := gosvelt.New()

    r.Get("/gg/:name", func(c *gosvelt.Context) error { // url params
        return c.Json(200, gosvelt.Map{"gg": c.Param("name")})

    r.Get("/ws", func(c *gosvelt.Context) error { // websocket handler
        return c.Ws(func(conn *websocket.Conn) {
            conn.WriteJSON(gosvelt.Map{"ez": "pz"})

    r.Static("/index", "./cmd/static/index.html") // static files

    r.Svelte("/", "./cmd/static/App.svelte", 
    func(c *gosvelt.Context, svelte gosvelt.Map) error { // svelte files
        return c.Html(200, "./cmd/static/index.html", svelte)



  • CSR (Client Side Rendering)
  • SSR (Server Side Rendering)
  • ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration)
  • SSE (Server Sent Events)
  • WS (Web Socket)
  • CSS Engine (Tailwindcss)
  • Add layout system

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