

My personal blog made with Svelte & Sapper


Hugo website containing references to my projects and some articles.

Using This Blog

This blog is a modification of the codex theme.

I haven't spent time to make it easy to re-use. However, if you just plan on using it as-is, it should be really easy to modify the configuration and the content without too much hacking around.


This files contain the general information of the website, as well as the nav bar and the ordering of its content.

Blog Folder

You can add / modify / remove any files from ./content/blog/. This is basically where you have to write your articles.

Projects Folder

I use the ./content/projects to list my projects in the website. The projects aren't really supposed to have a route and more details, they are simply reference and link to GitHub for more information.


You can start the development server using:

yarn run dev

This will basically spawn the hugo process.

When working on any JavaScript files in the src/ folder, please use the JS development server:

yarn run dev:js


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