
Hypns Svelte Component

A Svelte Component importing and bundling HyPNS so it can be used out of the box

HyPNS Svelte Component

A Svelte wrapper for HyPNS


npm i hypns-svelte-component


HyPNS uses @corestore/networker which has networking that should be opened and closed intelligently.

Notably, when using HyPNS, you should remember to

await HyPNS.close(); // remembering things sucks, there's a better way! Let's use the computer

Instead of pushing this obligation out into userland, this handy little Svelte component wraps HyPNS with listeners that activate if:


This repo comes with a demo that runs using

npm run dev

The demo shows how to use a keypair, provided by the PeerPiper web wallet, to sign posts to HYPNS.


'>= 2.80 Supports HyPNS v2.0'

'< 2.8.0 Supports HyPNS v1.0'

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