Just a test repo for dynamic import in SvelteKit

This seems to work :-)


    const ArticlePathStripped = ArticlePath.replace('/src/', '../../').replace('.md', '');
    const modules = import.meta.glob('../../articles/**/**/+page.md');
    const ArticleComponent = await modules[`${ArticlePathStripped}.md`]();

double import globe

As a temporary solution for SvelteKit users facing this issue, rather than (which currently breaks):

export async load = ({ params }) =>{
  const module = await import(`./index.${params.foo}.js`);
  return module.data;

do instead:

export async load = ({ params }) =>{
  const modules = import.meta.glob('./index.*.js');
  const module = await modules[`./index.${params.foo}.js`]();
  return module.data;


makes no sense, because every route must be defined in the config file. So it's not dynamic.

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