The UVC SDK for SvelteKit, Svelte and Plain HTML.

Table of Contents


pnpm i @nexusuvc/frontend

Client Usage


<script lang="ts">
  import UVC from '@nexusuvc/frontend';

  publicKey="<Your Public Key>"
  on:completed={e => console.log('done with ticket', e.detail)}

Plain HTML

With a preprocessor (like Parcel)

Event Listener
<script type="module">
  import '@nexusuvc/frontend/vanilla';

  const uvc = document.querySelector('#your-uvc');
  uvc.addEventListener('completed', e => {
    console.log('done with ticket', e.detail);

<nexus-uvc publicKey="<Your Public Key>" options="{}" id="your-uvc"></nexus-uvc>
Global-Scope Callback
<script type="module">
  import '@nexusuvc/frontend/vanilla';

  // the completed function must live in the global scope - it's body cannot be passed to the event, and it cannot be something like console.log that doesn't directly live in the global scope
  window.completedFunc = ticket => {
    console.log('done with ticket', ticket);

  publicKey="<Your Public Key>"

Without a preprocessor

Same as above, but use https://unpkg.com/@nexusuvc/frontend@^1.0.0/vanilla/index.js instead of @nexusuvc/frontend/vanilla.


You can find the options type here under export type UVCOptions = ...

Server Usage

/** Validation Request Function */
const performValidation = async (privateKey: string, ticket: string) =>
  (await fetch(
    .then(r =>
        ? r.json()
        : {
            success: false,
            challenge_ts: '',
            hostname: '',
            'error-codes': [],
            'internal-cause': new Error('Invalid response from UVC server'),
            response: r,
    .catch(e => ({
      success: false,
      challenge_ts: '',
      hostname: '',
      'error-codes': [],
      'internal-cause': e,
    }))) as Promise<
    | {
        success: false;
        challenge_ts: '';
        hostname: '';
        'error-codes': number[];
        'internal-cause'?: Error;
        response?: Response;
    | {
        success: true;
        challenge_ts: number;
        hostname: string;
        'error-codes': [];
/** Validation Function */
const validate = async (privateKey: string, ticket: string) =>
  (await performValidation(privateKey, ticket)).success;

You can implement this in any language, but the above is a TypeScript example.

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Loading Svelte Themes