
Sveltekit Adapter Node Iis


An adapter for SvelteKit that expands the node-adapter for IIS. It is based on this StackOverflow answer.


Install the adapter

npm i -D sveltekit-adapter-node-iis

Use it in 'svelte.config.js'

import adapter from "sveltekit-adapter-node-iis";
export default {
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter()


The adapter has the same options as @sveltekit/node-adapter, as well as the following additional options | Option | Default | Describtion | | :----- | :------ | :---------- | | includePackage | true | Copies package.json and package-lock.json to the output directory. | | buildNodeModules | false | Builds node_modules in the output directory (npm ci --omit dev). Requires includePackage to be true. | | transferEnv | false | Copies .env to the output directory. |

Example using options

import adapter from "sveltekit-adapter-node-iis";
export default {
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter({buildNodeModules: true})

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