
Svelte Maps

Demo of Svelte framework + OpenLayers + Esri Javascript API


This is a demonstration using the Svelte framework with both the Esri JSAPI 4 and OpenLayers 6. It shows two identical maps side-by-side.

There are no special features; I want to link the extent together but that's not done yet. (Scrolling one updates the other, etc.)

I was inspired by a presentation from the Esri Dev Summit. The original presentation is on YouTube,

The project was created from the standard svelte project template at

Additional help

JSAPI reference:

OpenLayers reference: <>


Get started

Install the dependencies. Installing parcel globally seems to work better for me, at least on Windows. PATH issue? Whatever. It works, installing in the devDependencies sometimes fails.

npm install parcel -g
cd svelte-app
npm install

Then start it. This should automatically open a browser and connect it to http://localhost:1234 If not something is wrong, maybe you don't have Chrome or something.

npm start

You should see two maps.

The map you see on top is loading from Rumsey maps. There is an Esri basemap underneath each. Pan away from Astoria to see the basemap. After getting the basemap to load I added the Astoria map from David Rumsey maps using XYZ tiles.

Parcel vs Rollup

I bonded with Parcel when I was learning React and I find it very very easy to use, so I converted this project from rollup to parcel. Is it faster? Whatever, they both work, and I have enough to learn with Svelte without having to add a new bundler at the same time so there you have it.

Deploying to the web

The Svelte people suggest using or; probably both fine ideas but I want to keep the content in my own servers. To me the bundler is there to make deployment simple, so "copy" is a good way to deploy too.

I think for me it's perhaps just an rsync command.

npm run build
rsync -av dist/* cc-testmaps:docker/nginx/html

I have that automated with

npm run deploy

You of course, would have to edit package.json to change the rsync command because you can't deploy to my server.

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