
Sveltekit Auth

SvelteKit template using my library PrismaAuth.js to handle registration. Uses Prisma, and SQLite3(changeable) for data storing. Comes with login, registration, and a sign-out page built with Shadcn-svelte.

SvelteKit Authentication Template

Built with Prisma, PrismaAuth.js, SvelteKit, shadcn-svelte, and more.


1. Set the random JWT token key in the .env file in the root directory like so:


3. Inside the src/lib/isDev.ts file change the url to the appropriate domain like so:

export let url = isDev ? 'http://localhost:5173' : ''; // Change this to your own url


1. The database is interchangeable. You can use SQLite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL with Vercel, etc. As long as Prisma supports it, the template supports it.

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