
Autocomplete Api

An autocomplete API for handling text search powered by Rust and NodeJS.


An autocomplete API powered by Rust and NodeJS.


About the project

This is meant to be a realtime API for a list of indexed products, in the root folders you can see 3 main ones:

  1. ac-server - The server for the autocompletion
  2. backend - The HTTP server that powers the realtime HTTP requests
  3. web - The client app that renders a query from the backend.
  ├─ 📂 ac-server/
  ├─ 📂 backend/
  ├─ 📂 web/
  ├─ 📑 - You're here.

About the system

The system is powered through an TCP server mostly, whenever a request through the API, it is powered to the Rust engine, which executes the query and returns a list of products. A schema of the app can be seen down below.

Each project has a build configuration that can be seen in it's README.


Eder Lima

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