
Svelte Portfolio

Portfolio to showcase my projects. This includes Mobile Apps, Web Apps, Front-End projects, APIs, Data Science work, and Embedded systems development.

Alex Portfolio

Svelte • Design • Cloud • Processing



This is the repository for my portfolio website. It is built with Svelte and Tailwind CSS. It is hosted on Netlify and uses Supabase as a backend.

As the name suggests, this is a portfolio website. It is a place where I can showcase my work and projects. It is also a place where I can write about my experiences and share my thoughts. I hope you enjoy it!


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To build the project and start it in production mode (with minification and optimizations) run the following command:

npm run build


Below is a table that provides an overview of the technologies I am currently working with.

Front-End Back-End Infrastructure
Svelte CSS CSS
CSS FastAPI.js Nginx

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