

Audio collecting app for the eventual implementation of speech-to-text in the legitimate Bodega app Finished product will require a login via phone number, or gmail account. The app will then cycle through a dicitonary of words that the user can record themselves saying by pushing the record button. They can then press the play button to see how the latest recording sounded, if it's a good recording they can then push the save button to store it within the firebase storage. Otherwise they can hit the record button again and try recording a new audio clip. Users can also add words they believe would be useful to have in the bodega app for speech-to-text, and those words will be added to the rotation for all users for which they can all record audio.


Audio collecting app for the eventual implementation of speech-to-text in the legitimate Bodega app

Finished product will require a login via phone number, or gmail account. The app will then cycle through a dicitonary of words that the user can record themselves saying by pushing the record button. They can then press the play button to see how the latest recording sounded, if it's a good recording they can then push the save button to store it within the firebase storage. Otherwise they can hit the record button again and try recording a new audio clip.

Users can also add words they believe would be useful to have in the bodega app for speech-to-text, and those words will be added to the rotation for all users for which they can all record audio.

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