
Insta Rust Svelte

Instagram clone written in Rust + Svelte

Instagram Clone written with Rust and Svelte

Instagram clone written in rust and svelte. It implments the following instagram features.

  1. Authentication and authorization.
  2. Uploading a photo with description.
  3. Liking and disliking photos.
  4. Creating and deleting comments.
  5. Liking and disliking comments.
  6. User profiles.
  7. Following People.

Technologies Used

It uses following technologies.


  1. Actix web for async API
  2. PostgreSQL as Database
  3. sqlx for querying
  4. Prisma for migrations


  1. SvelteKit
  2. Tailwind for UI
  3. Redux Toolkit Query for querying, caching and revalidation.


  1. Docker for spinning up postgres database.



  1. At least version 16 of node.js with npm.
  2. Rust toolchain with cargo.
  3. docker and docker-compose.


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. cd into client and run npm i to install all dependencies.
  3. cd into server and run cp .env.example .env
  4. Run docker-compose up -d in server folder.
  5. Run npx prisma migrate deploy in server directory.
  6. Run npm run dev in client directory and then run cargo run --release in server directory.
  7. Frontend should be running on localhost:3000 and backend should be on localhost:5173


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