
K8s Svelte

Deploy a simple svelte app to local kubernetes cluster with k3d

Simple svelte app to deploy on local k8s cluster using k3d

Create cluster

k3d cluster create --config k3d.yaml

Creates the cluster exposing port 8080 to port 80 of the cluster's node so that we can acces it to localhost:8080

Build docker image

docker build --pull -t k3d-myreg.localhost:12345/simplesvelte:latest .

Push image to local cluster registry

docker push k3d-myreg.localhost:12345/simplesvelte:latest

Launch app

Create the deployment, internal service (ClusterIP) and the ingress that routes localhost:8080/ to the internal service

kubectl apply -f k8s
# Open app at localhost:8080 or directly at ingress ip.
kubectl get ingress

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