
Felte Sveltekit

Adapter to connect Felte form clients to Sveltekit pages and form actions, using Zod validation

Felte-Sveltekit: A simple validation connector for Felte + Sveltekit Form Actions (deprecated)

DO NOT USE THIS LIBRARY - use superforms instead!


Feature List

  • Symmetric server and client-side validation using Zod
  • Support for error display on server-rendered pages (no JS required)
  • Works with zod-form-data to coerce FormData into expected types; usable both on the client and the server
  • Support for nested objects and arrays, provided by Felte
  • Support for dynamic forms, provided by Felte
  • Value filtering to avoid sending sensitive values such as passwords back to the client when operating without JS
  • Ability to customize pre- and post-submission events using the standard SubmitFunction interface from use:enhance
  • Automatic subscription cleanup on form unmounting - no need to manually pass an unsubscribe hook to onDestroy


(p)npm i -D felte-sveltekit felte zod zod-form-data @felte/core @felte/validator-zod


Let's build a form which prompts a user for name, email, and age. As a demonstration of nested form ability, we'll put age in a sub-object.

Start by defining a schema which can be imported in both your route and your server action:


import { z } from 'zod';
import { zfd } from 'zod-form-data';

export const userSchema = zfd.formData({
  name: z.string().min(2).regex(/^A.*$/, { message: 'Name must start with A' }),
  email: z
    .refine((email) => !email.includes('spam'), {
      message: 'Email cannot contain spam.'
  other: z.object({
    age: zfd.numeric()

Then, define a server action which consumes this schema.


import { validatedAction } from '$lib/server/validatedFormAction';
import { userSchema } from './schema';
import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export const actions = {
  default: validatedAction(
      data: {
        other: { age }
    }) => {
      if (email.includes('spam')) {
        // You can manually assign to fieldErrors to indicate to the user that
        // there is a problem with a specific field that cannot be detected in
        // validation; e.g. username in use. By default, `wrapResult` reflects
        // values back to the client, to allow form fields to be prefilled in
        // the event that only one field is in error.
        return fail(400, wrapResult({ fieldErrors: { email: ['Email cannot contain spam.'] } }));

      // Return data to the client, without reflecting values since we want the
      // form to be reset. `result` can be any type, and `formMessage` is a
      // structured type for displaying form-level errors and other similar
      // messages.
      return wrapResult({
        result: { status: 'created' },
        formMessage: {
          title: 'Creation successful',
          message: `User ${name} created with age ${age}`,
          type: 'success'
        values: {}
    // Exclude email from returned values
    { valueExcludeFields: new Set(['email']) }

Then, in the client, create a corresponding form. The form id (in this case demoForm) is important and should be unique. It is used to make sure that updates to $page.form are consumed only by the appropriate ValidatedForm instance.

Please note that the form id must be provided both to createValidatedForm, to allow it to load result data when running in SSR (where form binding does not occur and we cannot read data from the hidden input) and also in a hidden input in the <form> itself, to ensure that it is sent to the server even when clients have Javascript disabled.


<script lang="ts">
  import { createValidatedForm, FELTE_FORM_ID } from 'felte-sveltekit/client';
  import { SuperDebug } from 'felte-sveltekit/client/SuperDebug.svelte';

  import { page } from '$app/stores';
  import { userSchema } from './schema';

  const { form, data, errors, message, result, isSubmitting } = createValidatedForm(
        () =>
        ({ update }) => {
          update({ reset: false });

<SuperDebug data={{ $data, $errors, page: $page.form }} />

<form method="POST" use:form>
  <!-- Include the form id as a hidden input to ensure it's sent in the FormData
  regardless of client javascript -->
  <input name={FELTE_FORM_ID} type="hidden" value="demoForm" />
  <label for="name">Name</label>
  <input id="name" name="name" type="text" value={$data.name ?? ''} />
  {#if $errors.name}
    <p id="name-error">{$errors.name.join(', ')}</p>

  <label for="email">Email</label>
  <input id="email" name="email" type="email" value={$data.email ?? ''} />
  {#if $errors.email}
    <p id="email-error">{$errors.email.join(', ')}</p>

  <label for="age">Age</label>
  <!-- Notice the namespaced name here -->
  <input id="age" name="other.age" type="number" value={$data.other?.age ?? ''} />
  {#if $errors.other?.age}
    <p id="age-error">{$errors.other.age.join(', ')}</p>
  <button type="submit" disabled={$isSubmitting}>Submit</button>

{#if $message}

{#if $result}
  Result: <pre>{JSON.stringify($result)}</pre>

Common use-cases

Disabling reset after submission

To disable reset of form after submission, provide a SubmitHandler just like you would to use:enhance:

const { form, errors, message, isSubmitting, data } = createValidatedForm(
      () =>
      ({ update }) => {
        update({ reset: false });

The SubmitHandler can also be used to insert pre- and post-submission hooks.

Providing default data

Default data can be provided either directly in the value attribute of the input, or by providing values to initialValues in felte options.

Important Notes

All options as outlined in the Felte documentation are valid, save for onSubmit, onSuccess, and onError. For this functionality, use the SubmitHandler.


  • Value filtering only works at the top level of the schema, for now. Suggestions for an improvement to valueExcludeFields are welcome.

Appreciation and Thanks

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