
Svelte Html Modal

<dialog> wrapper for Svelte

Svelte HTML Modal

A simple wrapper component for the HTML <dialog> element - demo

  • Wide Support - 96.08% as of April, 2024
  • Accessibility - focus trap, Esc to cancel


  • Control the modal state with a single boolean
  • Close the modal by clicking on the backdrop
  • Disable the <body> scrolling when opened[^overflow]
  • Forwarded DOM events (cancel, close, submit)
  • CSS animation when opening the modal
  • An alternative SSR ready component

[^overflow]: Sets overflow: hidden in the <body> element, similar to the Bootstrap modal.


pnpm add svelte-html-modal -D
npm i svelte-html-modal -D
  import { Modal } from 'svelte-html-modal';

  // JavaScript is required for the <dialog> element to be shown as a modal.
  // Even if this value is true, the modal cannot be opened until JS is loaded.

  // To open the modal in a server-rendered markup, use the <ModalLike> component.
  // Reference

  let showModal = false;

<button type="button" on:click={() => (showModal = true)}>Show Modal</button>

<!-- Outer wrapper <div> is used for styling. -->
<!-- Reference the <style> element below. -->
<div class="modal-wrapper">
    on:close={(e) => {
      if (!(e.currentTarget instanceof HTMLDialogElement)) return;

      // Empty string if closed with JavaScript. (e.g. on:click)
      // Value of the submit button if closed with a form submit.
      e.currentTarget.returnValue; // '' | 'a' | 'b'
    <!-- Closes the modal with JavaScript. -->
    <button type="button" on:click={() => (showModal = false)}>Close with JavaScript</button>

    <!-- Close the modal without JavaScript. -->
    <!-- Reference -->
    <form method="dialog">
      <!-- The button used to close the modal can be identified in the close event's return value. -->
      <!-- Reference -->
      <button value="a" formnovalidate>Close without JavaScript (A)</button>
      <button value="b">Close without JavaScript (B)</button>

  /* Only the <dialog> inside this page's .modal-wrapper is styled. */
  /* Reference */
  .modal-wrapper :global(dialog) {
    width: 20rem;
    border-radius: 0.375rem;
    /* Dialog padding has been reset to 0. Browser default style is 1em. */
    /* Reference */
    /* Reference */
    padding: 1rem;
  .modal-wrapper :global(dialog::backdrop) {
    backdrop-filter: blur(8px) brightness(0.5);

For Tailwind CSS users, above style can be rewritten using the @apply directive.

<style lang="postcss">
  .modal-wrapper :global(dialog) {
    @apply w-80 rounded-md p-4 backdrop:backdrop-blur backdrop:backdrop-brightness-50;


export let closeWithBackdropClick = false;
export let preventCancel = false;

export let fullHeight = false;
export let fullWidth = false;
export let showFlyInAnimation = true;

Browser default style restricts dialog's height and width to calc((100% - 6px) - 2em);.

Custom Animations

Default fly-in animation can be disabled and overridden using CSS animations.

Fly-out animation is not available since it is a display: black → none switch.

<div class="modal-wrapper">
  <Modal bind:showModal showFlyInAnimation={false}>
    <!-- Modal Content -->

  @keyframes fly {
    from {
      transform: translateY(32px);
    to {
      transform: translateY(0%);
  .modal-wrapper :global(dialog[open]) {
    animation: fly 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1);
  @media (prefers-reduced-motion) {
    .modal-wrapper :global(dialog[open]) {
      animation: none;

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