
A Svelte component library for Aksel.


ds-svelte-community is hosted on Google Artifact Registry. To use it in your project, you need to add the following to .npmrc in the root of your project:


Then you can install the package with npm install @nais/ds-svelte-community.

Check out the Storybook for examples of how to use the components.


[!WARNING] Dependabot PR-s are enabled for visibility, but merging them will cause errors with tests etc. This is because we're using Bun, and Dependabot doesn't know how to handle it. To update dependencies, you need to do it manually.

We use Bun and asdf to manage dependencies and run scripts.

Run asdf install to install the correct version of bun. (You might need to run asdf plugin add bun first.)

We have configured bun to also create a yarn.lock file, which is only used by Dependabot, as it doesn't support bun yet.


The library is split into multiple packages in the packages directory. Each package has its own README.md with more information.

Package Description
ds-svelte-community The actual component library, including icons.
ds-svelte-community-preprocess-svelte A preprocessing step that optimizes usage of the component library.

GitHub copilot in use

Some of the code in this repository is generated by GitHub Copilot.

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