
Forge Svelte Template

Minimal template for Autodesk Forge apps built with Svelte and Express.js.


Minimal template for Autodesk Forge applications built with Svelte on the client side and Express.js on the server side.


Running locally

  • Clone this repository
  • Install dependencies: yarn install
  • Configure the following environment variables:
    • FORGE_CLIENT_ID - client ID of your Forge application
    • FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET - client secret of your Forge application
    • FORGE_BUCKET - an existing Forge bucket with models to preview
  • Run the application: yarn run dev (if you want to auto-rebuild client side code on changes) or simply yarn run serve

Tip: if you are using Visual Studio Code, store the environment variables in a .env file in the project folder, use the launch configuration in defined in ./.vscode/launch.json.

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