
Watchly App

RESTful Node Server app with Svelte

:tv: Watchly: A Movie & TV Show App

Created by: Tyler Ivie

Watchly URL

:truck: Routes


  1. As a user I can see all my movies (after adding at least one movie) in my watchlist. (api/movies)
  2. As a user I can see all my favorite movies. (api/favorites)
  3. As a user I can see all my favorite movies. (api/movies)
  4. As a user when navigated to the home screen, it is populated with currently trending movies for me to interact with. (http://localhost:5000/)


  5. As a user I can check off a movie if I have watched it (api/updateList/:id)
  6. As a user I can check off a movie if I have watched it (api/updateFavList/:id)


  7. As a user I can click on any trending movie and click by going to ADD TO WATCHLIST. This will add the following movie to my watchlist here: http://localhost:5000/watchlist. (api/addList)
  8. As a user I can click on any trending movie and click by going to the HEART ICON. This will add the following movie to my favorites list here: http://localhost:5000/watchlist. (api/addList)


  9. As a user I can removed a movie from my watchlist or favorites by clicking on the TRASH ICON. (api/deleteList/:id)

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