
Trace Svelte

A line by line highlighter for Svelte

trace-svelte: A line by line highlighter for Svelte

STATUS: barely alpha, like a sad omegaverse protagonist.

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  • Trace.svelte: A wrapper around the lines that control what is highlighted.
  • TLine.svelte: Used for each individual line inside the Trace component.


<!-- App.svelte -->
  import { Trace, TLine } from "trace-svelte";

  let step = 0; // based on the highlights array below
  let highlights = [
    [], // no highlights = empty array
    [1], // to highlight a line, add to array (starts at 1) 
    [1,3], // include multiple lines

<Trace {step} {highlights}>
  <TLine>const name = "Joe";</TLine>
  <TLine>// use that variable</TLine>

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